Rats and mice can be some of the most significant pests we have to deal with here in Riverside, CA. Rodents will continuously attempt to invade just about every building we live, eat, and work in. That’s because our homes and workplaces offer plenty of warm and protected places for mice and rats to take shelter, as well as plentiful food and water for rodents to sustain themselves on.
Mice and rats are known to carry and transmit various diseases, such as salmonellosis, leptospirosis, and hantavirus. Another problem with rodents is that they damage our buildings, particularly electrical wires, attic insulation, and water lines, with their gnawing behaviors. A rodent presence in your Riverside home or business can make your family, employees, and customers extremely uncomfortable.
Hiring an exterminator is the first step in solving your rodent problem. At Go-Pher The Kill, we perform exceptional poison-free rodent control services in Riverside and surrounding areas. We begin our services with a thorough inspection of your home or place of business to analyze the full extent of your rodent infestation. Our trapping, baiting, and exclusion methods are highly effective in removing the rodent issue from your property.
Rats and mice can remain active indoors throughout the year, so it is best to have your home monitored year-round for signs of activity. Go-Pher The Kill’s regular service plan can reliably guard your Riverside home against rats and mice, keeping your home rodent-free year after year.
Rats and mice can be some of the most significant pests we have to deal with. They will continuously attempt to co-exist with us in just about every building we live, eat, and work in. Rodents have been known to carry and transmit diseases, damage, and destroy our buildings, electrical wires, and water lines through their gnawing. Most people have a greater fear of rats and mice than they do of spiders. This fear can make you, your employees, or customers extremely uncomfortable.
When there is evidence of rodent activity limited to the outside of your home, bait stations are a great tool to keep populations down. By reducing the number of rats and mice outside, you reduce the chances of them making their way inside. We will suggest the number of bait stations to be anchored down around your home. Once in place, we will monitor their activity on a regular basis and keep a fresh supply of bait for them to consume.
A great way to help prevent rats and mice from getting into your home is by locating their entry points and blocking their access. Rodents can find and squeeze through the smallest cracks. Rats can squeeze through a hole as small as a quarter, and mice can squeeze through a hole as small as a nickel. If the hole is too small, they can usually gnaw their way to a larger opening. By using the proper materials, they can be denied access to your home.
If they have already made their way inside or if the infestation is large enough, we will use traps.Traps enable us to remove rodents from your home or business physically. Using bait to kill rodents inside can lead to dead rats or mice left to decompose in hard to reach places. Traps can also act as an indicator to determine if any rodents are still in the area being treated.
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